
James Evenson 
Manila, 27 August 2024 

The Philippines Obris Meet Up is three days away. I must say that I am excited.

Excited for the quality group of investors that will gather from 20 countries.

Excited for the phenomenal country and industry experts who will guide us through the Philippine investment landscape. Remember that this is SE Asia’s fastest growing economy.

And, excited to share one of my favorite countries with our members. We will spend a few days on the resort island of Boracay after Manila. Yes, investment and adventure go together!

In this brief edition of the Global Investor, I will illustrate two highlights of the forthcoming Meet Up that demonstrate why you will want to join us in the future.

These include a spotlight on the Obris Fireside Chat where members share their expertise, and a glimpse at the people who will speak during our Manila plenaries on Investing in The Philippines.

BTW: we are in early stages of planning for May 2025. Details to come.


As a reminder, the Global Investor is Obris’ complementary newsletter. Our goal is to provide readers like you with thought provoking content that will lead you to invest well – to help your money work for you as you grow your wealth. We also utilize the Global Investor to illuminate our core principles of People, Places & Deals.

Obris was created to bring together accomplished professionals to pursue wealth creation, experience a community of like-minded successful people, and make their hard-earned wealth work harder.

Interested in learning more about Obris, our events or our investments? Please contact us at investors@crownprivate.com.


The Fireside Chat has become a staple of every Obris event. We gather during the final morning of the Meet Up to draw upon the expertise of our members. In Queenstown, New Zealand earlier this year, we discussed Real Estate investing and Watch Collecting.

As we sat around the fireplace, Obris members shared their own stories on both topics. The wealth of expertise was phenomenal.

Our Philippines fireside chat will be on the final day in Boracay. Considering that the temperature will be a humid 35c/85f, the fire will be replaced with air conditioning.

I shared our two proposed topics with participants earlier this week: How are you growing your wealth? and How are you enhancing your health and longevity?  While we frequently discuss these topics informally and in the plenary sessions, our goal is to draw out the experience and expertise of our members.  

Within an hour of sending the email, my phone was buzzing with responses. Each person who wrote to me applauded the topic of How are you growing your wealth? They went on to add how important it is for them to glean from others. We could build a whole event on this topic alone.

Keep in mind that our members are sophisticated and successful in their investing endeavors. Yet, even the most accomplished investors want to grow our wealth beyond our current expertise.

It was encouraging to be reminded that we are on the right track. I will summarize the outcome for you in a future Global Investor.


The lineup of presenters is outstanding. Participants may expect to drink up a fire hose of content over the 1.5 days of plenaries on Monday and Tuesday. Some of our presenters include:

Andrew Masigan, Economist, Businessman and Columnist for the Philippine Star Newspaper – Deconstructing the Complex & Dangerous Relationship Between the Philippines & China

Brian Tycangco, Analyst with Stansberry Research – A Case for Investing in the Philippines

Rolan Marco Garcia, CEO of Embiggen X – Corporate Innovation & FDI

Joseph De Leon, Director & Venture Strategy Advisor, Gravitas Prime – Fintech Forecast – Leapfrog or Left Behind

Trissy Rogacion & Kate Lipana, Partners @ PWC Global Philippines – Landscape for Investing in the Philippines

Roel Refran, COO Philippine Stock Exchange – Public Equities & the PSE

Victor Limlingan Jr., Director of the Bank of the Philippines – Gaming & Tourism: Two Sectors where FDI Makes Sense

Toby Miranda, Director of Investment & Capital Markets, Santos Knight Frank – The Philippine Real Estate Opportunities & Challenges

Dana Andel, Country Manager of Acquire BPO – The Present, Future & Investment Prospects for BPOs

Carlo Almendral, Founder & GM of Boost Capital – The Disruption of BPOs by AI & the Disruption of AI by BPOs  

We look forward to hosting you at the next Obris Meet Up.