Issue 20.1, Auckland, 03 January 2020
What Defines a Successful Active Investor?
Kyle Gonzales is one of the most astute investors I know.
He built his career in technical architecture at Red Hat, a multinational enterprise open-source software company. While Kyle served his company well over the past 18 years, his true passion proved to be investing in early stage technology companies.
To that end, he retired last year (cough, Kyle is still in his early 40’s) and is currently developing two start-ups, sitting on multiple boards and is one of my primary go-to’s when it comes to keen perspectives on due diligence. He is also an Obris member.
In the interview, Kyle walks us through his due diligence process when considering investing in a company. Listen or watch to learn how Kyle accesses founders, develops an understanding of the market, and determines if a deal is worth pursuing.
There is a lot that most of us can learn as we pursue our own due diligence.
Much like Kyle, Obris members are active investors. We have a remarkable community with a wide variety of backgrounds, and with deep experience in many sectors. Such individual and collective due diligence is extremely valuable.
James and the Obris Team